Is your Business ready for Corporate Tax in UAE?
The corporate tax in UAE will be effective from 1st June 2023 and the Ministry of Finance will soon release the official draft on the new tax law. Is your company ready for the new major change in UAE tax compliance? There are various questions …
CS3 – Invoice Allocation for Payments received by Salesmen
Our client is into trading and distribution business with a high volume of transactions and invoices. They supply stock to retailers and the transactions are frequent. The salespeople are responsible for collecting payments for the invoices issued to retailers. However the payment is done by …
Job Costing in ERP Software
Why is Job Costing Important? If you are engaged in the business of construction/contracting or project management, then tracking the costing at job or project level is crucial. The management would be interested in knowing the profitability of projects, reducing costs at project level, allocation …
Stock Enquiry Management in FactsERP
Managing a Stock Enquiry If you are in trading business then your staff should always have real-time information about the stock. Especially the person responsible for facing the customer should be aware of the product availability, pricing and location etc,. This becomes more challenging when …
Warehouse Management Solution – WMS
Managing a Warehouse Managing a warehouse is challenging especially if your company deals in multiple product lines or large inventory. If you are a trading company dealing with different products and inventory then it’s challenging to manage a warehouse. As a warehouse manager you are …
ERP for Trading Companies in UAE
Why is ERP required for Trading Companies? A typical trading company buys products at the best price, stores them and sells them to customers to make a profit. It may look very simple if you read it but there are many things behind the scenes …
How can ERP software help construction companies?
An ERP software will help by integrating all the business functions and enabling a smooth flow of business processes, and it will help in overcoming the challenges faced by Construction companies. …