
Mobile app: Extending the power of your ERP


Mobile app: Extending the power of your ERP

ERP for Mobile app

As mobile devices become more prevalent in the workplace, businesses are seeking ways to streamline their operations and increase efficiency. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software has traditionally been the go-to solution for managing business processes and data, but the rise of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) has opened up new possibilities for mobile ERP software solutions.

A PWA is a web application that can be accessed through a web browser, but functions like a native app on a mobile device. PWAs are designed to be fast, reliable, and engaging, and they can be installed on a user’s home screen for easy access. Because PWAs use web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, they can be developed faster and more cost-effectively than native apps, without sacrificing performance or functionality.

Mobile ERP software solutions can benefit from the advantages of PWAs in several ways:


Because PWAs are accessed through a web browser, they can be accessed from any device with an internet connection, without the need for downloading or installing an app. This means that users can access ERP software on their mobile devices from anywhere, without being tied to a specific device or operating system.

Offline functionality

PWAs can cache data and provide offline functionality, so users can continue working even when they don’t have an internet connection. This is particularly useful for mobile workers who may not always have access to reliable internet connectivity.

Push notifications

PWAs can send push notifications to users, alerting them to important events or tasks. This can help users stay on top of their work and respond quickly to changes or updates.

Improved performance

PWAs are designed to be fast and responsive, with quick load times and smooth transitions. This can help users work more efficiently and reduce frustration and delays caused by slow or unresponsive software.

Lower development costs

Because PWAs use web technologies, they can be developed faster and more cost-effectively than native apps. This can make mobile ERP software solutions more accessible to small and medium-sized businesses that may not have the resources for custom app development.

Overall, PWAs offer a promising alternative to native mobile ERP software solutions. By leveraging web technologies, PWAs can provide a fast, reliable, and cost-effective solution for managing business processes and data on mobile devices. As businesses continue to embrace mobile technology, PWAs are likely to become an increasingly popular choice for mobile ERP software solutions.

This is where the Facts BUD-e helps companies who are looking for a mobile ERP software solution that can offer several benefits to organizations of all sizes. By leveraging the advantages of Progressive Web Apps, Facts BUD-e PWA can provide a fast, reliable, and accessible way to manage business processes and data on mobile devices. With offline functionality, push notifications, and improved performance, users can work more efficiently and respond quickly to changes or updates.

Additionally, the lower development costs of PWAs can make Facts BUD-e PWA more accessible to small and medium-sized businesses, without sacrificing functionality or security. Overall, Facts BUD-e PWA can help organizations streamline their operations and increase efficiency, regardless of their size or industry.

Moreover, if you are looking for more features to be added to the mobile ERP software solution, it can be customized by us. For a free demo of our application, call now on 052 640 3910.
