
Business Intelligence and Reporting in FactsERP


Business Intelligence and Reporting in FactsERP

Business Intelligence in FactsERP

The most important asset for companies now is the data. With a business system like FactsERP, the data can be captured at multiple levels. Data is only useful if it can be analyzed and better informed decisions can be taken using the analysis. Hence, FactsERP comes with an advanced inbuilt Business Intelligence tool in its ERP software

The advanced business intelligence and reporting tools in FactsERP helps management to make better decisions using the data available in the system. With features like advanced data visualization, filtering and customization; it becomes easier to analyze data. The reporting can be generated both at operation and strategic levels making it easy for informed tactical and strategic decisions. 

Features and Benefits of Facts ERP Business Intelligence:

Drag and Drop: The reports in FactsERP can be generated with simple drag and drop functionality and advanced filtering options. 

Visualization: The information can be visualized and presented in simple tabular format or advanced graphical formats. 

KPIs: Set and track multiple KPIs in real time for various functions and activities.  

Customizable: All the reporting and dashboards are highly customizable in FactsERP. Also, the KPIs and BI tool can be customized based on the user role or access level. 

Pivottable: If you are comfortable using Pivottable, then all the reports come with the feature of pivot table for your further analysis of data. 

Ratio Analysis: Use advanced and inbuilt ratio analysis in FactsERP, track multiple ratios in real time. 

Trend Analysis: Analyze trends of various activities like sales and purchases for better decision making. 

Integration: The integration with third party software or ecommerce platforms can be done seamlessly with FactsERP. 

Easy Export: All reports can be easily exported to multiple file formats including excel, pdf and word. 

Track the best: Easily track the best selling product or best sales person. 

Consolidated Reporting: Track the reporting for standalone companies and also consolidated reporting if you are managing multiple companies. 

For a free demo of Facts ERP and Business Intelligence tools, please get in touch on 052 630 3949. 

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